Varningar, Rooiklip


2/6 11:26 fm 11:26 – 2/6 9:59 em 21:59

Damaging Waves Difficulty in navigation at sea where small vessels and personal watercraft (e.g. kayaks) may be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. Localised damage of coastal infrastructure may occur in exposed bays. Localised disruptions to small harbours and ports is possible for a short periods. Coastal users may be caught off guard and at risk of being swept off low-lying rocks from infrequent large waves. Localised disruption to beachfront activities are possible. Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbors, bays or inlets.



1/6 2:00 em 14:00 – 2/6 9:59 em 21:59

Damaging Winds Difficulty in navigation at sea where small vessels and personal watercraft (e.g. kayaks) may be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. Localised disruptions to small harbours and ports is possible for a short period of time. Localised disruption to beachfront activities are possible. Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advise to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.



2/6 11:26 fm 11:26 – 2/6 9:59 em 21:59

Damaging Winds Difficulty in navigation at sea where small vessels and personal watercraft (e.g. kayaks) may be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. Localised disruptions to small harbours and ports is possible for a short period of time. Localised disruption to beachfront activities are possible. Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advise to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.


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